Hello day number two! Today was filled with going to the gym with my dad and doing the ever so intense bike class and getting little things done around the house. I made a "to do" list and I find so much joy when I get to cross something off. My mother made Susan Adami's famous apple chicken pot pie for dinner and it was very delicious. I've become very fond of trying new things, just not pickled cauliflower, sorry Laurel! My sister is leaving to go back to school tomorrow. It has been so great having her home and I don't think I'll get to see her for a while which makes me sad. I guess it's true what people say, you never know how much something means to you until it's gone. On a happier note, I made two CDs from her computer so I've got some new tunes. Set the Fire to the Third Bar by Snow Patrol and Cheryl Cole is a wonderful song. Another happy note, Mrs. O'Brien gave me snowflake luminaries for Christmas and I've been anxious to light candles in them. Tonight was the night! I lit a few and they were beautiful. There is nothing better than a little bit of candle light.
1 comment:
hey goob i added a verse to the beginning of my Jan. 4 entry. check itttttttttttttttttttttttt
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