Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. ~Rabindranath Tagore
We had our first basketball game today. They boys did so great! I couldn't have been more proud of how they played. Children never seem to amaze me and show me that there is beauty in this world. They are so easily filled with joy and bring light to the darkest of places.
I really can't wait to have children of my own.
I want to dress them in cute clothes and give them cute hair cuts.
I want to give them the names of Piper, Charlie, Brody, Noah, Adam and Twilah, that is if I have six of them :)
Most of all, I can't wait to teach them, watch them grow, make memories and love them just because they're children and mine at that.
My homework is taking over my life. Thank goodness finals will be over in a week.
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