It is the Holy Spirit, not we, who converts an individual. We, the privileged ambassadors of Jesus Christ, can communicate a verbal message; we can demonstrate through our personality and life what the grace of Jesus Christ can accomplish... But let us never naively think that we have converted a soul and brought him to Jesus Christ. - This quote was in my study book and it got me thinking. I know that I'm here on earth to be hands and feet for Christ but he gets total glory for those who find Him. I'm just here to get the word out. Lord please help me to witness your love in everything I do and to all whose path I cross.
I climbed Badger mountain with Karli today. At the bottom of the hill there was a pile of rocks and some cradle things. There was a sign that asked for people to help carry the rocks up to the top of the stairs. With a little begging I got Karli to help me and we carried a rock to the top. It was definitely a challenge but awesome to think that we helped in the building of the trail. While we were on our way up, two boys started carrying some rocks up too. It was refreshing to see others with the same attitudes and actually helping to make our community a better place. When we got to the very top of the hill I walked to the far side and just stood there. With my eyes closed I felt the cold breeze and the warm sun hit my face and it was a beautiful feeling.
I got most of my big scholarship filled out tonight. There are tons of people filling out this same one but if I could get this I would receive two full years of school paid for. How awesome is that! I'm just praying that the judges like my answers, haha. I really can't believe that today is the last day of January. Actually there is only an hour and 59 minutes left of January. Gosh, this year is going too fast for me already.
Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
-Psalm 63:3-4
Thank you Krista for this encouraging verse.
1 comment:
anytime dear friend
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