First of all, my fingers are throbbing. I went to the dermatologist today for my wart issue. I got referred to the actually doctor instead of the assistant who I've seen the last 5 times I've visited that dreadful place. He injected medicine into them and applied this cream that makes them blister, pretty much to the size of balloons. The next couple of days 5 of my finger tips and my right palm will feel like my heart is beating in them. It honestly is one of the most painful things I've ever done. Bring on round two. Hopefully this time it will work.
Secondly, I went to Olive Garden for dinner with my parents and grandparents to celebrate my dad and my birthdays. The manager and our waiter sang us happy birthday and brought us a delicious cake. My grandparents spent a lot of the time talking about golf and how they can't believe I'll be 18 years old. Oh how I love them.. I'm going to miss them dearly when I leave for college.
Third thing, I read this verse this morning and I really enjoyed it.
I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. -Jeremiah 31:33
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