School couldn't go by fast enough today. All I could think about was being at the ocean, spending time with wonderful people. Two thirty finally came around and we met at the young life office to get loaded and hit the road. I ended up in Mitch's car and gosh am I glad that happened. Laurel, Taylor Esvelt, Tanner Curtis, Mitch and Rylie had an amazing car ride. It could have been quite possibly the most fun filled road trip I've ever taken. It started off getting stopped in the parking lot before we even left to jump start the car next to us. It didn't work so we were told to get going, which we were thankful for. We literally stopped ten times along the way, each stop lasting about 30 minutes because not one, but all of us had to pee. We spent hours singing and laughing. Mitch happily said, "what's said and done in this car stays in this car". I'd have to say that my favorite part of the whole ride happened to be when it got dark, it was raining so hard we could barely see the road, fog was surrounding us but yet we were in a warm car, all snug and every one of us were singing songs to Jesus. Even though the music was loud, I could hear every voice in the car praising our creator. I closed my eyes and could feel true fellowship. We got lost so many times, missed a few exits, got off on a few wrong ones, headed in the completely wrong direction, and we were the last ones to arrive at the lodge but I wasn't worried. We had an amazing time growing closer as friends and that's a huge part of what this weekend is about. We walked in the door right as Jill, the speaker for the weekend, was finishing her talk. She told us that it's worth waiting for the right guy to come along and sweep you off your feet. We shouldn't settle for less because we are beautiful and God created us all exactly how we are, to be loved for who we are. I needed to hear that. I've been so impatient about meeting my soul mate, or have I already? I know things will work out on God's clock, not mine. Jeremiah 10:23 - I know, O Lord, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. This verse stood out to me this weekend. He has total control over every happy moment in my life. I'm always trying to plan my way through everything and I need to let it all go, give it up to Jesus and let him guide my steps. Cabin time was great. We talked about who in our lives makes us feel the most loved. Hands down, my mother. She makes me feel like I'm the most special person in the world and I'm so thankful for her. Laurel and I shared a bed because there weren't enough. I had my onezie pajamas, darby (my stuffed dog) and my best friend by my side. That equaled a great night of sleep.
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