Enric Sifa. This guy grew up in Rwanda. When he was 6 years old the Genocide began. He watched his brother be hung in his house and people being killed all over the place. He and his little brother hid in the jungle and were able to survive on tomatoes for a while before they went back to their village where Red Cross was giving out food. There he found his mom. The villiage picked a new ruler and the man was very selfish. Enric and his family had a nice house so the new ruler took it away from them. Enric's mother was beaten by a mob of guys and at the age of 9 he lived on the streets. One day a man came up to him and told him about church. He went and was able to sing and dance for free. He liked it there. He was adopted by a family in Portland and now makes music and shares his testimony and faith with people all over the world.
I was privileged to have gotten to hear this testimony at church this morning. How cool is that? My mom said he's only around 19 years old. I was amazed, I can't imagine going through the things he has in his lifetime already. It is such an inspiration to see people sharing their lives with others to encourage and keep them aware of what goes on other than in our own little worlds. My dad and I bought 2 of his cds after church and he even signed it for me! His music is downright amazing. Instead of Dave preaching this morning their was a guest named Moses Pulei. He is also from Rwanda and is a professor at Whitworth for half of the year and teaches in Rwanda for half of the year. He talked about giving all we have to help others and Jesus. It's amazing how someone can put things in to perspective for us in just a few simple words. We can be christians but not mission people and our goal is to be mission minded. Jesus noticed the lady who was faithful in giving all she had when others gave a larger amount but only a portion of what they had. He sought her out and loved her even though she had so little. We are supposed to do the same thing. Reach out to the poor, hurt and needy.
I listened to Enric's cd while running today. It was simply one of the most peaceful jogs I've ever had. Nothing but the sunshine, Enric's voice in my ears and the road ahead.
Karli called me up and informed me that Value Village at velcro Teva's for $5.00. They had 2 pairs in our size and it just so happened that we had both been looking for a pair. Mhmm, score!
I've had it for a while now, but it seems like now more than ever. I have this desire to go to Africa and work in an orphanage. That is my dream, my hope that someday I will have the privilege to do that.
daaang. $5 tevas? im seriously bummed right now. i got mine for like 90. super jealous. but glad you joined the teva family.
thank you! they are indeed lovely!
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