We got a call from Carly at 6:30 this morning so we got ready, had a little continental breakfast and were on our way to the hospital. We walked in her room and I was so glad to see her. I hated seeing my bubbly, energetic sister laying on a hospital bed in pain. She was on morphine so I couldn't help but laugh at her loopyness. I managed to put the wrong number in my phone for Paul so I got a text from a random person saying, "I'm not Paul." Haha, it made us laugh. We spent a couple hours hanging out and talking with Carly. Well kind of talking, she was having trouble keeping her eyes open. The other day I started feeling sick but today was horrible. My whole body ached and I kept getting shivers along with a bad sore throat and headache. My head felt like it weighed a billion pounds. Hopefully it will only get better from here. There were signs all over the hospital that said if you have one of these symptoms you need to put on a mask: sore throat, cough and uhh I can't remember the rest. I obviously fit in that category so I put on a mask. The real reason for it though was Carly wasn't allowing me to post this picture anywhere unless I looked like a sad patient with her. Once Carly had her medication filled and papers ready to go, we took her back to her dorm room. We got her situated so she could rest and my parents and I went to lunch. We had sandwiches at Beba's Cafe then headed up to REI. Oh man, I could spend so much money in that store. It is gigantic and filled with glorious items. I got a call from Tommy saying that he got the Campus Rep position for Toms! I got so excited, even though it probably didn't sound like it cause my throat wouldn't let my voice out. He asked if I wanted to do it with him so we're planning on doing a video chat with one of their employees tomorrow! Whoohoo! My parents and I then got coffee, well my dad did. My mom and I ordered tea and we walked down on the boardwalk. The weather was so beautiful today. I snapped some pictures and then we walked through Pike's looking at all of the cool vendors. Seattle has some flat out interested people! We ended up with this cool rock vase and two tulips for Carly. We headed back to the dorm and after Carly made a list of groceries my dad and I went out to get them. After driving around in circles we finally found Trader Joes and after endless tries at the parking meter we finally paid for 32 minutes of parking. This grocery store was so tiny and was filled with only health food. I guess that's a good thing! We delivered the groceries and then we were back on the road to the tri. I hate saying goodbye. My eyes get watery every time even though we'll be back in Seattle next weekend. I miss my sister and I wish we would spend more time together. I slept the entire way home, only waking up when we stopped. Taco Del Mar for dinner and then more sleeping. As soon as we got home I jumped in the shower. After going two days, I thought it might make me feel better. Then came more sleep. I hope I'll feel better tomorrow.
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