A piece of my childhood, my life, my heart and a part of who I am went away today. My parents made the decision to put Daisy to sleep. She was suffering so badly and it was killing all of us to watch her be in pain. I still remember the day... I was 6 years old. We drove a long ways (for a 6 year old) to pick her up. She cried the whole way home, but I would too if I was leaving my mom for the first time. She became a part of our family and she literally was my second sister. She took a piece of my heart that I won't get back until we get to hang out in heaven someday. While sitting in the car after everything happened, I asked my mom if dogs go to heaven. She said yes. She told me that God wouldn't create dogs just to be on earth. I'm going to believe her words. Even though I've had tears of sadness streaming down my cheeks since 4:00 today, I find joy in thinking of Daisy running through a huge field, barking like crazy, being the wonderful dog she is. I know she's happy now and in no pain what-so-ever. That's all I want for my doggy sister. I love you Daisy, and I miss you. I'll meet you in heaven...
Im truly sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine life without my doogies. I imagine the same is for you. Maybe when we get to heaven animals of all sorts will be able to talk and share in the splendor of eternity.
Aw I hope so. I can't wait to see her again.
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