Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Philippians 4:4-5 These verses spoke volumes to me this morning. I want to strive to be someone who is seen with the gentle spirit of the Lord wherever and everywhere I go finding reason to give Him praise.
I wore my new red toms today and I couldn't stop looking at my feet haha. I'm very happy with my decision to go with the red. I've also decided that I have a thing for red shoes. Fifth hour rolled around and I took a drive with the windows down and hair blowing to St. Joe's elementary school to team teach a Junior Achievement lesson with two other girls from my class. It was a great deal of fun.. the lesson was on the newspaper and the kids all got to write their own articles. I then headed over to Calvary where I hung out in my mom's classroom until it was time for my interview for my possible daycare job this summer. It went well, after an hour of waiting haha. I've been really into this killing two birds with one stone thing so I jogged my other job application over to the flower farm. Got some exercise and earned some brownie points in the hard work ethic area. I've really been praying about where God wants me to work this summer. I desperately need a job to help pay for college... Lord where do you want me to be a servant for you?
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