7:00 alarm instead of 5:30... wonderful! I picked up Elizabeth and we hit up Starbucks for some good girl conversation. She is such an amazing girl of God and I feel this little pang of inspiration every time we get to talk. Sitting outside in the cool morning air, getting to experience all of the interesting people who get coffee in the morning and talking about our future husbands, college life and God made for a lovely morning.
School was kind of a joke today. We didn't do really anything except in ASB, we had to overcome a fun challenge while potentially setting us bare footers up for ring worm or athletes foot from the wrestling mats. I'm not complaining though... 3 hour late starts can show up any day.
There's nothing quite like a run in the rain. Felt pretty good after that one. Not nearly as intense as my run to Laurel's house and back yesterday but still found the sweat running. I did get another blister though... something is wrong with my shoes!
Did a little homework, made some chocolate chip pumpkin muffins with my mom while jamming out to NeedToBreathe! I think she likes them as much as I do, haha. Ate some left over dinner, made a pop up birthday card (they are definitely far greater than any other kind of card!), and watched some Idol with mis padres. Casey James has turned out to be my favorite, with Tim, dread girl and big mike coming in with a tie for second. I hope Katie and Andrew get voted off tomorrow! Sorry Noah!
Some people I see throughout my day need to keep this in mind - God's last name is not "Dammit.
1 comment:
Something to ask them,"do you really want him to damn it," because he will!
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