A visit to the Ramer's was first on the agenda for today. They are family friends who have two adorable daughters. Piper just turned 2 years old and is by far the most adorable little girl I've ever seen in my life. She has a little baby mullet which is flat out precious. She makes me excited to have little children of my own! My mom and I visited for a while and then drove through the rain back to our casa. Tae Bo? Bring it on. I punched and kicked it up in the living room. It was too cold to do it in the garage. Pretty soon I was a sweaty mess and could feel the soreness taking over my whole body already. If anyone is looking for a nice workout, try this!
After making Casey and Noah wait outside the house for me to get ready we hit up Starbucks and made our way to the library park. Quiet time with God in the wind... Forgetting my bible (since I was in a hurry to get out the door) I just sat and talked with God. I've been feeling really convicted lately of being lazy in my ministry and sharing the word. I know I've come along way with my shyness but it's no secret that I still am. I'm in no way afraid to be who I am, I just get quiet sometimes... Too quiet. There are so many people in my life who don't know Jesus and I know that I have the knowledge and ability to share with them even the simple facts that Jesus wants to have a relationship with them more than anything. I've been in situations where I've blown my chance and I hate sitting here thinking about them. My favorite verse says, However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. Acts 20:24. I feel that a huge part of my role here on earth is to share what I believe in and I need to start fulfilling my role more than what I've been doing. My prayer is that I can continue to break out from my little shy shell and be bold in who I am and what I stand for. I know that God is using me to witness to people and I need to not let Him down.
Casey, Noah and I met back up and discovered that Casey's keys were locked inside the car.. so, we walked to Noah's house, piled in the swift and watched Casey fall through a window in his house. He grabbed some other car keys hoping one would work. The result ending up in calling a lock smith. After sitting in the car for a little while listening to music and chatting, my mom came to pick me up for dinner. Mac and cheese awaited my belly.
Then came a night full of bingo! It felt good to whip out my ID and say that I'm 18, haha. A majority of the group planning to play were turned away because they didn't meet that requirement. None of us won any money but we all walked away with some great memories and a happy heart for trying something new! $7.00 well spent!
Thinking it was only 10:30 I walked into my room finding the clock to read 12:00. Holy smokes, time for bed!
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