I'm sitting in first hour and I get a delivery consisting of a plastic bag filled with pink folded papers. They were "kiss a senior goodbye notes". Three of them almost made me cry.. they were just so sweet. I really had no idea I was making such an impact on 3 amazing freshmen lives. So, Taylor, Soleil and Lacey, thank you so much! You have no idea how much those notes spoke to my heart. All three of you are truly wonderful girls and I'm blessed to have gotten to know you!
I got a call from my daddy-o today. He is in Colorado and wanted to know what shirt size I wear so he could get me a t-shirt! I'm quite excited! Plus I'm excited to see him as well. It's been about a week since he left on his trip. He's made some facebook posts though and it's been fun to see his updates about his trip.
Jay gave me a fake tattoo today (sharpie). This is what I would like to get on the arch of my foot. It says "Jesus is enough" in Arabic. She wrote it on my arm so that the pen wouldn't rub onto my Toms. I couldn't bare to get the rhino print inside stained with black marker. However, I think I really like where she wrote it on my arm.. that could be a possibility...

When Andrea and I picked out the rock to go under one of the trees for part of our senior gift, the guy doing the engraving insisted that we get our last names on the bottom. We didn't think it was a good idea but he persisted. Once we got it we knew it wasn't the right thing to do so we took it back to get it taken off but we had to take a picture with it first ;)

Tonight was our CIE celebration banquet get together. All of our mentor teachers and parents got together and we shared our experiences this year in our intern classrooms and ate some wonderful dessert. I, of course, ended up in tears while talking about my experience. I've come to realize that God has clearly made me a sensitive, emotional, passionate person yet I somehow haven't accepted that yet. Maybe someday I'll come to think that it's okay.
My beautiful friend, Breanna Phillips, chopped her hair off today. It was longer than mine and she cut it up to her chin. It is absolutely adorable! It suits her so well and she has the perfect head shape for the cut. She donated her hair to locks of love, I believe, and I think someday I'm going to do the same.
I seriously have a weakness for
guys who play the piano or guitar and have a melodious voice. It simply makes my heart melt.