Nothing quite like a morning jog in the crisp, fresh air and spending time alone with the one true God. No school for me today, but a lovely day at Southridge helping with Special Olympics! It was truly a blessing... to see the faces and excitement of these children and adults once they accomplished an event. I worked at the softball/tennis ball throw and it was insane but totally worth it. I was shown that even though people may have a disability they are still beautiful and a wonderful creation of God. I think he uses them to show us other humans the simplicity and beauty of life. I wouldn't have traded my experience today for anything. I loved every minute of it.
What is with this weather lately? One minute I'm getting a sunburn, the next I'm sitting in Craig Mauss's car sheltered from the giant rain drops watching the thunderstorm with a beautiful rainbow out of the corner of my eye. I got to hang out with them older boys tonight. It's always a good time.. I leave with too many laughs to count.
Is that Sarah Brown on the left?
that would be emily thoelke on the left.
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