After school I decided that I needed a good workout. The sun finally came out and it was looking rather pleasant so I figured if I took a quick trip to the river I could have a nice, peaceful jog along the water. Wrong! I park my truck and it is immediately hurricane season. The wind was blowing pretty gustily and the sky turned a nice, dark shade of gray. I didn't want my drive to be a waste so with NeedToBreathe filling my ears, my fanny pack securely around my waste, I took off to the East. Everything was grand until I decided it was time to turn around. Barely moving legs from the wind is never a good thing. Pretty soon it started raining but I actually enjoyed this part. With water running down my face the song Washed By the Water came on. I truly felt like God was giving me a bath. It was such a lovely feeling.
So, my new phone came today! But my contacts aren't transferring from my flippy phone. My dad's been trying to get it to work for hours now. Hopefully by tomorrow it will work. I'm pretty excited to move out of the stone ages and have a more modern looking cellular device.
AP test tomorrow... Eeek! :/ This is not going to be a pleasant couple of hours.
it rained today? where the heck was i? haha
i miss you :/
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