~Lunch with Mom, Carly, Grandma and Lauren McKinney. We went to the Cafe in the Marine Land Village. It was cute but the food wasn't all that great. I much rather prefer the Cafe on Queensgate, just so everyone knows :)
~Finger Appointment. End of story. More injections which didn't make me a happy camper.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Even though I really hate having warts on my fingers, God is going to work it out. If we wants me to have them then I suppose it's for a reason. But, I am praying that they'll go away, and go away soon. If I'm going to be a waitress I need to have pretty hands.
~I took a nap with my kitty. I woke up to find her feet pressed against my head.
~Tacos with the fam.
~My nanny job started today so I get to stay with Lauren tonight. We went to her house to feed Indy (the dog) and watched Extreme Home Makeover for the first time. Half an hour in and I had tears streaming down my face. It's quite the emotional show.
~Made cinnamon chip oatmeal cookies. Oh my goodness, they are to die for. My new favorite!
~Took Indy for a walk with my mom.
~More TV and then bed.

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