Graduation went very well. It seemed like it flew by. I walked with Kailee, Kristi, Demie, Emily and Jori. I love all of those girls. Kailee and I continued to hold hands as we made our way to the stage. Two empty chair awaited us. Kailee and all of the 9 valedictorian and salutatorian's speeches were awesome! Reading everyone's names was a challenge, kind of stressful but fun. To see the smiles and looks of excitement as my fellow classmates received their "fake" diplomas was a great feeling. You know the feeling where you practice and prepare for something a ton and then have it not turn out as great as you were anticipating? Well, that's how I feel about my speech. I just wish I had more confidence and willing to be outgoing in a situation like that. But, it's behind me now and I'm happy and honored to have had the opportunity to do that. We threw bouncy balls with our caps as our senior prank thing. All of the administration knew about it so I wouldn't really call it a prank but it was something that made us all smile.

Andrew Schuetz. That's about all that needs to be said. He surprised me at graduation. He told me that he wasn't going to be able to make it to graduation but sure enough there he was. I felt like we could have been a scene in a movie, haha. I turn around, see him standing there, we run and embrace in a long hug. Tears even filled my eyes. It's been over a year since I've seen him and I've missed him a ton. I guess they say that distance only makes the heart grow fonder. We've had our rough moments but his friendship means everything to me.

My parents and I went to a couple graduation parties. I ate way too much. Enough to last me for a whole week I'd say. Before long, my legs and my stomach needed a break and we came home. I fell asleep on the living room floor and then got ready for the all-night party. It was so much fun and all of the hard work my mom and dad have put in throughout the year paid off. I was drawn to the fake tattoo area! Soon enough a giant junle/tiger tattoo engulfed my right bicep. I actually really like it! Also, a spray tattoo of budda made it on my foot. That one actually looks legit and it makes me laugh every time I look at it. I came away with an espresso maker, some sheets and a fishing pole! I'd say that I scored. The hypnotist was an absolute crack-up. I was almost on the verge of tears I was laughing so hard throughout the whole thing. I managed to fall asleep while watching the slide show. It was bound to happen with pillows, blankets and bean bag chairs. Overall, the night was one to remember. It's going to be hard to forget with all of the wonderful people I got to share it with.

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