For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12
My day:
- Run along the river with Laurel.
- We almost got attacked by a swarm of geese.
- Talked about how we can be each others boyfriends for right now.
- Yogurt & granola.
- Shower.
- Ran a few errands. Successfully returned with a $3.00 skirt from India and a planner.
- Lunch with Grammy at Cafe at Queensgate. Such a cute little place.
- Played some cards. I won solitaire three times.
- Took a nap. Solid sleeping has been a daily activity for me.
- Dinner with mom, dad and gram. Mom's homemade pizza.
- Royal Family Kids Camp dessert meeting. I'm so excited for this camp!
- Visited Laurel at work. We walked and talked while she swept the floor.
- Had a good talk with Mr. Adami at Albertsons. He is a very wise, intelligent and sweet man. He reminded me that whoever I choose to spend my life with needs to have a firm relationship with Jesus. It is the most important thing to have in a marriage or any relationship in order for it to grow in a positive, healthy way. I told him that I was going to make a list of what I want to find in my soul mate and he enlightened me on a very real concept. It's okay to make that list but then focus on how you can better yourself to be the person that your spouse will want to be with. If I want all of these specific qualities, then I need to work on those qualities to make sure I'm proving true to what I want. I'm not sure if that made perfect sense, but it's clear in my mind. I guess that's all that matters.
Just for kicks, here's my list:
- Loves Jesus and lives for Him everyday trying to better their relationship with the one true God.
- Likes to exercise and be active. Always up for an adventure.
- Has tons of patience and humility.
- Works well with kids.. One who will make a great father.
- Winks ;)
- Musically talented. Someone who will sing me to sleep.
- Always tells the truth. Honesty is key.
- Enjoys photography so we can go on fun photo shoots together.
- Always looks for the best in people.
- Facial hair, glasses and v-necks... no big, just something I find attractive ;)
- Maybe an occasional picnic in the park?
- Values people and makes them feel special and worthwhile.
- Has a smile that can light up a room.
- Genuine personality.
- Someone who will enjoy thrift shopping as much as I do.
- Full of surprises, never dull.
- Has the intention of traveling the world.
- Enjoys life and lives everyday as if it's the last.

Now as much as I'd like to know who I'm going to marry and get this whole thing started, I'm going to pray and wait patiently for the right man to bless my life. I know that God's plan is far greater than mine and I need to focus on that so I don't mess it up with my own selfish actions. In the mean time my goal is to focus on bettering myself in these same things that I want to find in my future hunk of a man (except for the manly specifics of course. I don't really want to grow a beard).
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