Off to Creation we go! The van is jam packed and Switching Goals, Marykate and Ashley movie is playing in the VHS player. Yes, it was that cool! Four hours later we arrive in Enumclaw. We set up our tent and get things situated, ate some Bar-S hot dogs and made our way to the stage for some concert action. My body was covered in sweat but I couldn't have been happier to be where I was. My best friend at my side, in a place where Jesus was the center of everything going on. The David Crowder band was first and then Switchfoot. They were both amazing! Jon Foreman was quite incredible I might add. We listened to a little bit of comedy by a man with the name of Nazareth and when our eyes couldn't stay open any longer we made our way to our humble abode of a tent. Casey, Macey and Sarah slept outside of our tent on the ground. They didn't have a campground and didn't want to drive back home at midnight so we shared our little piece of land. With no surprise, I fell asleep but apparently Meryn and Casey had quite a long conversation in Spanish and kept everyone laughing for a good while :)

By the way, I didn't take my Nikon with me on this trip. I just had my little Olympus digital camera that doesn't take the greatest pictures. I saw tons of SLR cameras the whole week though and it kind of upset me that I didn't have mine. It was good for me though. I really think it helped me to enjoy what I was experiencing more and not having to worry about always snapping photos.
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