Woke up to blasting music for our alarm clock. Laurel let it go for longer than necessary because she was wearing ear plugs. The rowdy drunks are too loud for her at night, haha. We had a little bit of time to spare so we went to the Daily Grind Coffee shop. Talk about adorable. I love it there and someday I will add a book to the lending library in the back. We met Laurel and Meryn's grandparents at church and listened to an awesome sermon by Ceaser. He was full of enthusiasm and gave some great insight on "Giving" and being more like Jesus. Then we went over to their grandparent's house for lunch. We arrived a little bit early so we helped Grandpa pick some raspberries in the back yard, watched some tennis and talked. They are just the cutest elderly people and I felt so welcomed. They even felt like my own grandparents. We had a wonderful lunch prepared by Grandma, complete with cake and tea. We decided it was time for Meryn and I to get back on the road so we packed up, said our goodbyes and were on our way. Sobe's and sing alongs made the trip go fast and Meryn and I had some great laughs. I just love that girl. She might as well be my little sister also.

I came across this verse and it's one of my new favorites.
One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have the king for a friend.
Proverbs 22:11
1 comment:
My parent's loved meeting you. I'm pretty sure the words "so sweet" were used to describe you. Thanks for taking Meryn with you. She loves hanging with you and she really needed a Laurel fix. :)
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