These aren't my suitcases but I sure do like them. I spent a lot of time packing things today. It's quite a bigger task than I ever though it'd be.
My family went to dinner for our last harrah! Carly and I will both be out of the house and my parents will be empty nesters as they call it.
I sold my Gibson Les Paul Jr. Special today. It went on ebay and surprisingly I felt a little bit sad. Not that I played it nearly enough to become attached but it was a beautiful guitar. I guess I'm just more sad that I never stuck with it to actually become a good guitarist. That was my dream in the 7th grade but not all dreams come true. Maybe if I have some free time in college and meet someone who is willing to help me along I'll pick it up. I still would love to be able to sit around a campfire and play songs for people to sing along with.
I said goodbye to some people I truly love tonight. After playing some intense card games at DQ I hugged everyone as my eyes welled up with tears. Goodbyes aren't forever though so there's no need to be sad. I'm just temporarily living somewhere else for a while. You guys mean everything to me.. you know who you are!
UW vs. Syracuse game was on when I walked in the door for the evening. UW pulled out the win.. atta babes!
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