Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Month.

At the beginning of every month I find myself saying the same thing. I can't believe how fast this year is going by. It's already month 9 out of 12... I'm leaving for college in 11 days and if I looked back to my first ever blog post on January 1st I never would have imagined this day would be here so fast.

Anyways, I had a really good quiet time today. Something that was very much needed. I was reading in Matthew 21 verses 28-32 which is the parable of the two sons. The first son was asked to go work in the vineyard by his father and he said no but ended up going anyway. The second son was also asked to go work in the vineyard. He replied with a yes but never went. This really made me think about my attitude, willingness and obedience to what God is asking me to do. Am I more like the first son or the second son? I thought about this and realized that I am so much more like the second son and my laziness is taking over in times when I need to be a true obedient daughter to the Lord God Almighty.

Something else that really spoke to me was Proverbs 10:9.
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.

By following God's laws that he has layed out for us he will keep us safe and secure. I picture his arms cradling us like an infant. Holding us tightly to him so we don't get into trouble.

Another great point from the study book said that...
Character is shaped in a person's heart and reflects what God has done (or cannot do because of our hardness) in our lives.
He has given us ways to live by so we need to consider them and apply them to our lives.

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