We learned some more about Central and tons of ways to be involved. We then had team pictures, cleaned the camp and loaded up for the ride home. Everyone was way more talkative on this van ride since we had just spent 3 days getting to know each other. We get to be a part of something called "Movers and Shakers" tomorrow where we get to help all the other freshmen move in so we had a meeting for that with free dinner!
Mom, Dad and Carly stopped by on their way home from Seattle. Carly had her second elbow surgery today. They had to completely replace her whole radial head so it's now metal. I'm pretty sure it went well but I'm just praying for a quick recovery. She leaves for school next weekend. It was really great to see them all. Even though it's only been 4 days, I miss them so much. Lucky for me, I get to see them next weekend. I might even be able to go up to Seattle and help Carly move in.
I didn't take a picture today :( so here's one that's not mine.

Oh, I also can't wait to explore and find sweet places to take pictures!
This lifted me up again today..
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3
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