Well we had lots of adventures today. Carly, Derrick and I rode our bikes insanely far to her friend's house to have brunch. They made us coffee, hot chocolate, cinnamon rolls, eggs, bacon and chocolate chip pancakes. It was quite the meal complete with a lot of laughs. It's so much different hanging out with college kids compared to in high school. I'm not quite sure what it is that's different but I like it. Carly and I then walked down to the Ave and did some shopping. Goodwill treated us nicely! $4.00 crocks.. I'm pretty stoked. I've been wanted some of those for a while now. Our grandparents then picked us up and we celebrated my great grandma Norma's 89th birthday at my Aunt's house. There is never a dull moment when everyone get's together. Chinese food, grapefruit juice, chocolate cake a fortune cookies, enough said. We picked up Derrick for some more fun and played guitar hero and watched a movie. I feel asleep during it but what's new? Today was fun. I really enjoy spending time with Carly. I seem to feel more at ease when she's around, haha. Maybe it's cause she's so laid back and carefree. I need to learn from her.

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