Friday, April 30, 2010
who knew?
Early morning email check in first hour, only to find this comic in my inbox. Briana always knows how to make me laugh!
Who knew that 2nd graders knew how to jerk? Yea, not me! The music teacher was gone today so my intern teacher lead some songs and dances for the class. Holy smokes, these kids had more moves than I ever will. That's not saying a whole lot but I was definitely surprised.
A fun filled, special night took place. Off to Seattle bright and early!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Who Am I
1. Put Your iTunes on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Tag at least 10 friends.
6. Anyone tagged has to do the same, because fun pointlessness spreads like a virus.
I decided to do this, only because a boy tagged me and I find him to be a hilarious human being who makes me smile.
If someone says, “Is this okay?” You say?
- All I Ever Wanted
How would you describe yourself?
- Hollywood's Not America
What do you like in a guy/girl?
- Hang Me Up To Dry
How do you feel today?
- Caroline
What is your life’s purpose?
- 100 years (good one!)
What is your motto?
- Take My Hand
What do your friends think of you?
- Wordplay
What do you think of your parents?
- A Better Way
What do you think about very often?
- The Alter and the Door
What is 2 + 2?
- When You Believe
What do you think of your best friend?
- September Saturday
What do you think of the person you like?
- She (Yep, I like them ladies)
What is your life story?
- Everything
What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Starry Eyed Surprise
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
- Second Chances (Haha!)
What will you dance to at your wedding?
- Hurricane (Oh I'd love that, Jimmy Needham can sing at my wedding any day!)
What will they play at your funeral?
- Sometimes
What is your hobby/interest?
- Hold Me (Oh jeeze)
What is your biggest fear?
What is your biggest secret?
- Everything You Want
What do you think of your friends?
- Flume (Does that even make sense?)
What will you post this as?
- Who Am I
On another note, I was all ready to donate blood today. I dumped my iron supplement into my glass of orange juice, plugged my nose and drank it up. I couldn't have shoved cereal into my mouth fast enough. Having the taste of dirty metal in your mouth is very unpleasant. My iron level read 14.1 and I needed a wimpy 11. I guess you could say I'm not an anemic today! I was sitting on the chair, the lady was about to stick the needle in my arm when a man rushed over and said I couldn't give blood because when I went to El Salvador we rode in a bus through an area that had a very low risk of malaria. The windows of the bus were open therefor leaving us at risk to be bitten by mosquitoes. You'd think I'd know by now if I had malaria but who knows... I guess I'll just have to wait until August 9th to donate again.
Today is my mommies birthday and we went out to dinner to celebrate. My grandparents always have the best stories about their golfing life. They pretty much dominate every conversation but I sure do love them. Shrimp Primavera was ordered in honor of my sister. That's her favorite and I missed having her at the table with us. Five glasses of lemonade later and I was about to burst. I had the feeling of a too full bladder and wanting to throw up from so much food. Haha, such a great feeling! My mom got a Vera Bradley purse and Toms for her birthday. She is going to be one stylish hot momma! She is truly the greatest mother in the world. I love her so incredibly much. Happy Birthday Mom!
How cute is this card?! One of my mom's old students made it for her :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air,
for they neither saw nor reap nor gather into barns;
yet your heavenly father feeds them.
Are you not of more value than they?
I had the privilege to worship with Ember Days, Brandon Bee and Esterlyn tonight.
Love never fails. Jesus is so faithful in bringing children out of poverty through the sponsorship that generous people give. The lead singer of Esterlyn had an amazing story about his experience in changing a life. His sister and brother in law adopted a baby girl from China who was abandoned on a doorstep by her birth parents. She brought so much joy to each member of their family that the band was named after her. Esterlyn. He also has sponsored a little boy from India named Deva Kumar for the last 10 years. Luke Caldwell, the lead singer of Esterlyn has visited him three time and felt God calling him to do something more so he started a program called Eye on the Sparrow to raise awareness about the amazing privilege people can have in sponsoring a child. I just love hearing stories like this.. they are a clear reminder that God is huge and working everywhere. He is truly an amazing, wondrous God who saves.
I <3 Jesus Christ!
On the way home from the concert, Laurel's beast of a car decided to make some nasty, unhealthy sounds. We pulled into the sun mart parking lot to check it out. She proceeded to open every door, the trunk and the hood. To her pleasure, a new camero pulled up as well and asked us if we needed help. Let's just say that made her pretty happy :) Hands that smelled of oil? Check! A fixed up car? Hopefully!
for they neither saw nor reap nor gather into barns;
yet your heavenly father feeds them.
Are you not of more value than they?
I had the privilege to worship with Ember Days, Brandon Bee and Esterlyn tonight.
Love never fails. Jesus is so faithful in bringing children out of poverty through the sponsorship that generous people give. The lead singer of Esterlyn had an amazing story about his experience in changing a life. His sister and brother in law adopted a baby girl from China who was abandoned on a doorstep by her birth parents. She brought so much joy to each member of their family that the band was named after her. Esterlyn. He also has sponsored a little boy from India named Deva Kumar for the last 10 years. Luke Caldwell, the lead singer of Esterlyn has visited him three time and felt God calling him to do something more so he started a program called Eye on the Sparrow to raise awareness about the amazing privilege people can have in sponsoring a child. I just love hearing stories like this.. they are a clear reminder that God is huge and working everywhere. He is truly an amazing, wondrous God who saves.
I <3 Jesus Christ!
On the way home from the concert, Laurel's beast of a car decided to make some nasty, unhealthy sounds. We pulled into the sun mart parking lot to check it out. She proceeded to open every door, the trunk and the hood. To her pleasure, a new camero pulled up as well and asked us if we needed help. Let's just say that made her pretty happy :) Hands that smelled of oil? Check! A fixed up car? Hopefully!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Fake accent, feeding high schoolers cloves, cracking jokes, equals the greatest sub ever. This lady was convinced that these little clove things would give us fresh breath. Apparently she buys them by the bag at the grocery store. It kind of felt like I had a piece of bark in my mouth. We were instructed to stick them in between our gum and lip and just let it sit there to freshen our breath, haha. It stayed there until I bit the little ball thing and discovered how strong the actual clove was.
I took a trip to Richland after school and watched Laurel play a little bit of tennis. She didn't start on time so we had time to hang out and talk. We always have so much to tell each other, there really is never any silence. We had a best friend moment today... complete with laughter that lasted quite a while. Ahh those are the best! She completes me.
I felt my clever side coming out when my mom and I took a trip to the craft store to get supplies to make a guarder for prom. Lady bug button? Check! Oh man, I can't wait for this one to be finished! :)
Monday, April 26, 2010
I got to be the teacher today and teach a health lesson about the grain food group. It was a total blast. The kids kept asking me if I was going to teach them today and I got the response of "finally the day has come!" Oh how children bring so much joy to my heart. When a second grader tells you that you are a beautiful teacher complete with a hug, you know they mean it. I couldn't ask for a better place to be interning. I just love those kids so much.
A nap was in store today and it felt great. It seems like there can't be enough sleep these days. Is that a sign of getting old? Haha, Karyn and I decided that a girls camping trip is going to take place this summer. Perfect idea! Oh and I wore socks with my sandles today. I hope that's not too big of a crime!
I'd really like to make one of these:
Every day's the start of something beautiful, something real...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
kodak moments
Lately I've been thinking about those moments in my life that make up who I am and my experiences in my 18 years of living. I guess they could be called the Kodak moments. Some are great, amazing even incredible. Others are sad, depressing and simply terrible but they are "the moments." The things that happen everyday that make up me and my life. It's kind of weird how my mind has transformed into looking at everything as a potential photograph. I can flip though these photos in my mind and reminisce about my kodak moments.
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14 Perfect reminder to have patience and love one another. Our lives often speak louder than words... God's doing great things in so many lives.
I've decided that showering over the weekend is pointless. I don't really remember the last time I've showered on a Saturday or Sunday, haha. I'm also really ready to be completely done with writing ridiculous essays about poems that I don't even understand. I feel like I've had around two every week for a while now!
This is how I feel at the moment :)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
God's Grace
When all of my concert peeps were sleeping their little lives away I was privileged to wake up at 6:15 and be at church for 9 and half hours for Royal Family Kids Camp training. That was not a complaint! :) Dr. Phil gave us a great devotional about God's Grace. He shared with us 13 different areas where God gives us Grace...
Electing Grace - God chose to save us because he loves us. He simply elected us to save. We don't need his acceptance.
Preached Grace - By the preaching of the Gospel we can understand his ways.
Regenerating Grace - Grace through which God changes our hearts and desires to be more like him. This is where we have to let our deepest desires come out.
Converting Grace - Gift from God to truly seek after him and repent and be made new. Allows our hearts to be clean.
Justifying Grace - To stand in front of a holy and perfect God. His love for us has nothing to do with what we do.
Adopting Grace - He didn't pick out the good kids to save. He fully adopted every single person into his arms to be our spiritual father. He is going to look after us, clothe us, feed us and give us his name forever. He changes our motive for living.
Ministry Grace - We get to work with our father. He is letting us help him to bring people to salvation. He gives us a new perspective on the gifts we've been given. We each get to help him in a different way that play out wherever we are in his plan for our lives. I really liked this application... It's easy for me to get caught up in thinking that people are better than me because they are good at this and that but truth is.. God made me good at certain things and he wants me to use those gifts to be a light for him. Only I can use the special things He's given me. How cool is that?
Sanctifying Grace - He gives us a power to live for. Our role is not to judge the world but as we grow in our faith we will become more and more like him.
Empowering Grace - He gives us the power to do what he appoints us to do through him and gives us the passion to work hard for him. God will give us just what we need which allows us to be more fruitful. We will have no fear, no stress when we see what we have to accomplish for God's glory.
Provisional Grace - God's grace gives us all great things. Look around, mountains, stars, friends, birds, flowers.. he shows us beauty every day. He provides just what we need and frees us from all jealousy in our lives.
Miraculous Grace - He pours out his grace when he enables miracles on his children. He simply drives us to pray for the sinners so we can see transformation.
Preserving Grace - He gives us the strength to continually make it through our days.
Glorifying Grace - He awaits all of those who believe in him. When we are with him in heaven for the first time we will see the lame walking and the abused children standing before Jesus. That is such a beautiful picture to me. Going through this training has really opened my eyes to children who deal with abuse every day. I am so excited to work with these children and help make a week of their lives one they won't forget.
Camp verse: But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9
I decided to visit L-dawg at work today. I always love seeing her expression when she turns around and sees me standing there! Haha, I also love that every time we see each other it deserves a hug. At training today we all got a bracelet to give to someone who we know will pray for us in being spiritually prepared for camp. We were told not to give it to our best friend just because they are our best friend. The cool thing about that is that I did give it to my best friend because I honestly know that she'll pray for me. Not many people can say that and I am so blessed to say that I can.
Birthday party - scavenger hunt followed! What a fun night... I really enjoyed hanging out with a group of people who I normally wouldn't. Many, many laughs and memories won't be forgotten. An intense game of Apples to Apples went down and although I lost poorly I came out with being fresh, sultry and wild according to my green cards! I think it describes me pretty darn accurately! ;)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Worship & Coffee
The last 24 hours have pretty much all run together to form a completely wonderful day. The sound of boys singing and the smell of breakfast woke me from my short little morning nap. We sat out on the back porch with coffee in hand (thank you James!) and sang some worship in the frigid morning air. Before long, it was time to get back on the road so Laurel and I could make it to a little bit of school today. I managed to make it in time for my intern and I, half awake, folded paper for an hour and a half. Rather pointless of a day but hey, my absences can't add up if I'm actually present. Arriving home I was looking forward to a shower and nap but only the shower happened. I got sucked into uploading photos to facebook, of course, and doing other mindless things that wasted by precious sleeping time. Then came the training for Royal Family Kids Camp which was 3.5 hours long. I have never tried so hard to keep my eyes open while sitting in a chair listening to someone talk. I won a door prize though, a Royal Family Kids Camp pillow case! Yes! I also had to turn the music up as loud as it would go and sing at the top of my lungs in order to keep my truck on the road and my eye lids from closing during my journey home. Sleep will be close to the feeling of heaven tonight... Mmm goodnight everyone!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
phil wickham baby!
Today was the day I've been waiting for! Phil Wickham and Leeland concert with a bunch of amazing friends! School went by at a snail's pace and finally it was Spokane time! Casey, Kevin, Laurel and I piled in the car and a couple hours later it was time for the night to begin. Words can't really describe the talent Phil and Leeland have. It was simply an amazing concert. To stand and worship with them equaled a truly incredible experience. You think Phil sounds good on YouTube? Listening to him live is pretty much listening to an angel.. no more explanation needed. Sherrie's followed and then Noah's house to park it for the night. Switchfoot video, Jesse and Kevin playing some more angelic music, watching James (our new friend) in his hilarious state of loopiness and good conversation took place until the wee hours of the morning.. well more like all morning. 5:30 rolled around and Laurel, Jesse and I dosed off to get an hour or two of sleep. Laurel and I have decided that this was a preview of what college could potentially be like... Hanging out with amazing people, concerts, talking about Jesus, Worshiping, and just doing whatever pleases the soul. I can't say enough how blessed I am to have fellow Jesus lovers in my life to grow with and learn from. Thank you to those of you who share yourselves, love and stories with me. You know who you are :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
i want to be a teacher, end of story.
So, I quite simply hate talking in front of people and that became evidently clear today. I was awarded student of the month by the Kennewick-Pasco Rotary Club and my parents and I attended their luncheon today. I had to talk about myself in front of a room full of old-ish people and I started talking about my experience in El Salvador and how God gave me the direction of teaching and.. tears started to fall. Let me tell you, not a proud moment in the life of Jessi. Someone told me crying in public is humbling though so maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought, haha. I then went to my mom's school and took pictures of her students and Mrs. Dunn's class for their mother's day gifts. It became even clearer to me that I want to be a teacher... I feel at ease and so natural being around children. I don't have to do anything special because they just love me for me. Gosh, I get more and more excited everyday to have my own classroom!
Tomorrow is the big road trip to Spokane to see Phil, Leeland and Matt! I've been thinking about it all day and I can't wait for school to be over tomorrow so we can hit the road! I'm feeling like some great memories will be made.
I literally can't stop listening to this song. It's been a repeat for the last 2 hours!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
spiders. shots. prom.
I spent a great deal of time today trying to figure out how to get the giant black jumping spider on the wall of my room to the outer walls of the house. I came out successful! We were both happy campers after I flung him out the door. I can't even count the number of shots I've gotten and today I got to add one more. Probably one of the most painful - Guardasil.. mhmm, now I can go crazy and have sex with everyone! Totally kidding, but it's supposed to help make my warts on my fingers go away! I'm really praying this does the trick. As I was doing my homework this evening the doorbell rang... my mom made me get the door, of course. There were roses and foot prints in paint going down to my truck with a note stuck in the window. Tommy O wrote me a very clever note asking me to prom! He'll have a little surprise waiting for him tomorrow ;) I'd write more but I have a long day ahead tomorrow and a girl needs her beauty rest!
Monday, April 19, 2010
love is (you)
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Philippians 4:4-5 These verses spoke volumes to me this morning. I want to strive to be someone who is seen with the gentle spirit of the Lord wherever and everywhere I go finding reason to give Him praise.
I wore my new red toms today and I couldn't stop looking at my feet haha. I'm very happy with my decision to go with the red. I've also decided that I have a thing for red shoes. Fifth hour rolled around and I took a drive with the windows down and hair blowing to St. Joe's elementary school to team teach a Junior Achievement lesson with two other girls from my class. It was a great deal of fun.. the lesson was on the newspaper and the kids all got to write their own articles. I then headed over to Calvary where I hung out in my mom's classroom until it was time for my interview for my possible daycare job this summer. It went well, after an hour of waiting haha. I've been really into this killing two birds with one stone thing so I jogged my other job application over to the flower farm. Got some exercise and earned some brownie points in the hard work ethic area. I've really been praying about where God wants me to work this summer. I desperately need a job to help pay for college... Lord where do you want me to be a servant for you?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
essays galore
- Church & interviewed Shelly, one of my parent's friends who is a sign language interpreter. She is such a positive and full of life lady.
- Nice run around the neighborhood in the amazing weather.
- Discipleship - Erwin led a really great study on stress and giving everything up to God because he will work in our lives for the best. I sure am so thankful for both Christina and Erwin. They have given us young life kids so much, I love you guys.
- Homework - another essay. This time it's on why art, music and physical education should be kept in schools. It's so much easier to write an essay on something you're interested about.
- Pizza & ice cream for dinner.
- Tried to find something somewhat dressy/professional to wear tomorrow. I'm giving a Junior Achievement lesson and I have an interview. Wish me luck!
- Where did the weekend go? Tomorrow is Monday already...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Central Visit
Today was Wildcat day, so my parents and I took a trip up to Central. We listened to a seminar thing on the Education Program and then on Study Abroad. It made me so excited to start college and be a part of those things! I found the dorm I want to live in so tomorrow I'll whip out the form to request it.
Returning home my mom and I went for a walk in the pleasantly warm weather, ate another bowl of cereal for dinner (we've been doing that a lot lately, haha) and then came the dreadful essay. I finally finished writing about Wislawa Szymborska and her poetry. My mom insisted on taking a break from homework and we had some pomegranate, mango sherbet while watching Fringe.
Now I'm thinking it's bed time.
P.S. 5 days...
Friday, April 16, 2010
new TOMS
Hello red TOMS! You will now get to see the world on my feet. I'm so very happy to welcome you to the family. I admit, I just tried them on again and stood in front of the mirror in my pjs. New items can never have enough trying on and admiring.
Good thing today is Friday because I really don't know if I could have handled another day of school. Senioritis is hitting me so hard. I pretty much get tears every time I think about doing even a small piece of homework. The two essays I have to write this weekend are about to make me rip my hair out. Ahhh less than two months my friends!
But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ - the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:7-11
Today in class we had to write out things we are truly thankful for. Some that quickly came to my mind:
- Obviously God, family & friends
- Wool socks
- Chapstick
- Cool formations of clouds
- Travel mugs & tea
- Thrift stores
- Lotion
- Letters in the mail
- Flowering trees
- Toe rings
- Love story novels
- Comfy jeans
- Musicians
- Stuffed animals
- Roller blades
- Sunsets
- Being barefoot in the grass
- Hammocks
- String cheese & pineapple
- Pear/Coconut flavored jelly beans
- My camera
- Laying in the back of my truck
- Belching loudly
- Homemade bracelets
Everyone has unique things that are dear to them.. What are you thankful for in your everyday life?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
love is enough.
So, I had every reason to take at least one photo today.. the weather was beautiful, I didn't start school until 10:30, my best friend stayed the night. But.. sadly I did not touch my camera today. I've only missed a couple days but that is still one less photo in my 365 album. Oh well, my eyes took in the beauty and that's all that matters.
I woke Laurel up earlier than she wanted, haha. We had whole wheat waffles for breakfast and sat on the back porch in the sun and read Philippians 2 together. It was a great reminder to be humble just as Jesus was and be a sacrifice for Him.
After school I had another finger appointment and the doc injected my fingers again :( My warts are coming back and they are now all swollen, red and in an insane amount of pain. Hopefully this will do the trick and they will go away for good.
I've been thinking about tattoos lately. I really liked the one pictured above.. maybe someday I'll get one!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Oh, what a day!
Surprise birthday celebration for Mr. Bisson today. We all brought so much junk food... I made myself feel sick all day. Those dang cookies! I took a trip to the flower farm after school to get some prices on trees. I was there for about an hour. A simple question about a tree turned into a life lesson on world wide epidemics, how girls who wear too much mascara are easy, how it's great that more Hispanics are coming to the US but yet they need to learn English (does that even make sense?), and how different the governments were in other countries back in the day. I got into a pretty heated discussion with the shop owner about wanting to teach in a dual language classroom so I can help students who need the extra help in both languages. He thought that was just ridiculous but I got my point across and he told me I did a great job debating my view! Because of it, I even walked away with a job application because Mr. Flower Farm owner said I pretty much had an interview with my debate. Haha, I got a smile out of that. I went for a jog and came across a cute little boy and girl selling lemonade. I was sad I didn't have any money to buy from them so I thought, hey why not run home and grab a couple buckaroos? I did so, but they were gone when I got back. Sad day... I was ready to make their day. More homework, followed by a bowl of cereal and an orange for dinner and then campaigners. Laurel is now here, currently sitting on my bed after turning pruny in the hot tub. I seriously love her so much! It's almost 12:00 on a school night and we can't stop laughing. Oh goodness, goodnight everyone!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
sleeping in
7:00 alarm instead of 5:30... wonderful! I picked up Elizabeth and we hit up Starbucks for some good girl conversation. She is such an amazing girl of God and I feel this little pang of inspiration every time we get to talk. Sitting outside in the cool morning air, getting to experience all of the interesting people who get coffee in the morning and talking about our future husbands, college life and God made for a lovely morning.
School was kind of a joke today. We didn't do really anything except in ASB, we had to overcome a fun challenge while potentially setting us bare footers up for ring worm or athletes foot from the wrestling mats. I'm not complaining though... 3 hour late starts can show up any day.
There's nothing quite like a run in the rain. Felt pretty good after that one. Not nearly as intense as my run to Laurel's house and back yesterday but still found the sweat running. I did get another blister though... something is wrong with my shoes!
Did a little homework, made some chocolate chip pumpkin muffins with my mom while jamming out to NeedToBreathe! I think she likes them as much as I do, haha. Ate some left over dinner, made a pop up birthday card (they are definitely far greater than any other kind of card!), and watched some Idol with mis padres. Casey James has turned out to be my favorite, with Tim, dread girl and big mike coming in with a tie for second. I hope Katie and Andrew get voted off tomorrow! Sorry Noah!
Some people I see throughout my day need to keep this in mind - God's last name is not "Dammit.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Just moments ago I got a 9 page text message from a dear friend who told me that she had gotten a vision from God with my face. I was in filthy clothes with a burden, like when you're trying to hold back tears when a man comes, takes my hand and begins to dance with me. We only have eyes for each other and it was Jesus. We are dancing in a garden where there is a force around us making us untouchable and it was only getting stronger. The force being recreated was purity. "He's ready to give you a new heart and a new purity and that out of all creation YOU are his chosen possession." Thank you Katie for sharing that with me. As I sit here, my heart is beating a little differently because of it. Have I been missing something that Jesus is trying to tell me? Is He, through my friend, showing me that my future is real and ready for me to grasp? Or is this even for me? Am I supposed to share it with another? All I know is that Jesus wants to rescue me from my filth and dance with me in a beautiful garden and focus our eyes only on each other. He wants that for me, for you and for every human being. This song makes me think of Jesus.
Lately, I've really felt perfectly okay with who I am. I may not be the prettiest, smartest, most athletic or perfect person but I am exactly how God made me to be. Yes, my confidence and self esteem can be on the low chart sometimes but I have a contentment waking up knowing that I am a perfect creation of the one Jesus Christ. I don't have to change who I am when I'm around certain people or try to fit in because I know that the passions and interests He has sparked in my heart are there for a reason.. His reason. I've found some dear friends who are the exact same way and it makes my heart so happy to see people truly focusing on what God wants from them and who he wants them to be. I don't even know if that made sense, but I simply really like being around genuine people.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
sunday afternoons
After church (which was on dieing with Christ and becoming new, very good sermon) I went with the Adami ladies to their little cousin's softball game. I don't know if I've ever been to one before, so there was a first for today. We were surprised at how warm it was today. I wore jeans and a sweatshirt and proceeded to sweat while sitting there. Laurel of course, was wearing her romper and encouraging the summer weather. Arriving at home after a quick stop to Roo 21 (a new store in Richland) I worked on a little bit of homework and then my mom and I walked to Target and TJ Max. I did not buy any clothes! That is pretty amazing for me to say. I kind of have a weakness there. Chicken ceaser salad for dinner and then more poetry homework.
For some reason I haven't been in the most creative or willing writing mode lately. Hopefully that will change, cause it's only April. Wait, what am I saying? It's April. It seems like just yesterday it was January. Goodness, this year has been the quickest one yet.
"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one." ~ C.S. Lewis This reminds me of Laurel :)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
tell it how it is
I read all of James today and have decided that is it my favorite book in the bible. It simply just tells you how you should live your life but in an encouraging way. It pretty much just tells it how it is...
- The testing of faith creates perseverance and maturity.
- Humbly accepting the word will save you.
- 1:17 Religion that is pure and faultless: look after orphans and widows and keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
- Speak and act as those who are going to be judged.
- Faith not accompanied by actions is dead.
- Tame your tongue - salt water and fresh water can't flow from the same spring.
- Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.
- Submit yourself to God and he will come near to you.
- Do not plan for tomorrow. God has a plan for this and that.
- Be patient for the Lord's coming is near.
- No matter how you are feeling - happy or sad, pray.
- Confess and pray to each other.
- 5:20 Remember this: whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover a multitude of sins.
I went to a fever game with the Adami family this evening. I haven't laughed that hard in a while, it felt good to just sit and talk with my best friend.
letters to God
I feel like this was a little note from God today. No matter what we look like, what we do, act like, or say, God loves us unconditionally. This song was another reminder. We screw up, yet he gives us another try, he shows us love even though He goes through so much pain when we reject him. I saw the movie Letters to God tonight and all 5 of us that went left with tear stained faces. It's amazing how children understand life so much more and can find joy and happiness in things that seem impossible to find even a glimpse of goodness. I honestly believe that God uses children to teach the most important things in life.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Everyone arrived around 5:45 to start our trek to school, barefoot. Each of us had a mug in hand, our shoes in our backpacks and an excitement for the adventure. I'm not going to lie, within the first 10 minutes I felt tears welling in my eyes. Walking on the asphalt literally felt like needles were being stabbed into the bottom of my feet. I've never quite felt a pain such as that before. After a couple blocks I decided it was time to pray. We stopped, held hands on the corner and immediately our hearts were changed. The complaints were few and our goal of raising awareness for others was our main focus, not on our own feet. An hour and 15 minutes of walking and we arrived at school. We got honks on the way and there were others walking around school with their little toes showing. The administration wasn't too happy but the sneaky few got away with it. I seriously have a new appreciation for shoes. Yes, I got blisters and yes, my feet are still throbbing and yes, I have a little limp but it was worth every second and every feeling of pain. I have the luxury of putting shoes on my feet whenever I want. There are tons of people around the world who get blisters worse than mine and get infections yet they have no comfortable place to put their feet up, wash them or simply just put something on to cover and protect them. I truly got a feel of what is what like and I can't imagine going through that everyday. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed going shoeless but at times it was complete torture. My eyes have honestly been opened to a whole new world and I couldn't be more thankful to have had the opportunity to be a part of something so life changing.
I received a package in the mail today from someone special. It made me really happy, and I'm going to leave it at that :)
I sat on the edge of the bathtub with my feet soaking in hot water, listening to lovely new music and read my bible. It was such a peaceful little event. I'm reading Ruth now and it gave me some encouragement today. Ruth left her family behind to stay and care for Naomi and God totally provided work for her. He kept her safe and gave her what she needed. He is so faithful and will do the same for me.
Today was just a wonderful, inspiring day. Thank you to all who surrendered the shoes!
Oh, and a dear friend of mine informed me that this man is single and can help me with my dance moves ;)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
One Day Without Shoes
The day of wearing no shoes is tomorrow. I'm going to walk to school from my house and anyone is welcome to join! We will be departing around 5:45 a.m. It will be a long day tomorrow but I'm so excited to truly experience what it's like to simply not have shoes on my feet. The whole school was in a huge hype about it today so I think the word is getting out!
Why shoes?
Many children in developing countries grow up barefoot. Whether at play, doing chores or going to school, these children are at risk:
- A leading cause of disease in developing countries is soil-transmitted diseases, which can penetrate the skin through bare feet. Wearing shoes can help prevent these diseases, and the long-term physical and cognitive harm they cause.
- Wearing shoes also prevents feet from getting cuts and sores. Not only are these injuries painful, they also are dangerous when wounds become infected.
- Many times children can't attend school barefoot because shoes are a required part of their uniform. If they don't have shoes, they don't go to school. If they don't receive an education, they don't have the opportunity to realize their potential.
We are also going to have an ultimate frisbee game at the new Hansen Park off of Columbia Center at 6:00 if the 40 mph winds aren't making it miserable. I really hope God will decide for some nice, pleasant warm weather instead.
I went for a nice run today. It felt good to plug in the tunes and just run not worrying about anything. I practiced the guitar and piano this afternoon, did a little bit of homework, had a bowl of cereal for dinner, picked up Jay, got some gas in the truck and headed to campaigners. There were tons of people there tonight, most likely because of the Malibu fundraising meeting beforehand but it was cool to see so many people being involved and wanting to learn about Jesus.
And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:5.
A woman's heart should be so lost in God...
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
My grandpa sweater was worn today and for some reason I always get a lot of compliments which makes me happy! I'm really ready for some warm weather to show up. No more of this wind please! I watched Laurel's tennis match after school and had some great laughs with Nick, Meryn and Mrs. Adami. Went for the daily walk with my mom and had spaghetti for dinner. I got some on my shirt, of course.
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13. I love this verse because it's so true. Everything we do here on earth is not worth it if it's not done for the glory of the Lord. We were put here on earth to love Him and each other and obey his rules and plans for our lives and witness to those around us about how he saves.
Monday, April 5, 2010
yes, no picture
I'll admit it, even though I don't want to. My camera was not held in my hands today therefore, I have no picture of my own to post. I liked this though one and thought it suited me :)
First day back to school after Spring Break... it was a little challenge to get through but was overall a pretty good day.
Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird of the air may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say. Ecclesiastes 10:20. How weird would it be if a bird actually eavesdropped on your thoughts and the little things you mumbled to yourself? I guess it's an interesting thought... would I want someone else to know what goes through my head every second of every day? The things is, there already is... God. He knows every single thing that goes in and comes out of my brain, and my mouth. I'd have to say that I'm not proud of all of those words and thoughts that travel through there from day to day but I am proud to say that there is a God who wants to know my every thought even if I'm not proud of it. He wants to know every single thing about me and that is truly amazing. There is no one else in the world who could possibly want to know every flaw, every quirky or cute thing about me but God does. I've known that for a long time but to really think about God knowing you perfectly inside and out is a pretty awesome thought.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
last day
Happy Easter everyone! Church was very good this morning and Eric, Tiff and Macy accompanied my parents and I. My dad and I were asked to hand out bulletins for second service so I held the door open and soaked up the sun while saying good morning. We then decided that since it was such a beautiful day we needed to do something outside, so why not go geocaching? We ran down to beer falls and came out with nothing. It must have been a tiny one to find. Once my mom got home from teaching Sunday school we all headed up to Badger Mountain in search of some more. Before we found the hidden treasure my mom pulls a bag of cocaine out of a bush! Oh man, not quite what we expected. We ended up finding 4 geocaches and wrote our names in each one, even leaving a bracelet in one box. I completely forgot my camera so there are no pictures to document the adventure. My bad! We called for delivery pizza and watched The Time Traveler's Wife. Good movie but super sad and way too much kissing going on.
I don't want to go to school tomorrow. Plain and simple.
This last week has been far too great and school will not compare.
For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
- Woke up, ate a bowl of cereal.
- Looked out the window, not pleased with the wind.
- Wrote an essay with the help of my mother :) on Equitan and how his passion for a mistress lead him to his death.
- Went for a walk in the gusty wind.
- Made a bracelet out of yarn. Great idea... they dry fast and are more comfortable on the arm.
- Took a shower and managed to get a huge blob of soap in the left eye. I don't remember the last time that has happened. Not pleasant.
- Can't stop watching this video. Shine On - NeedToBreathe. My favorite part of the song happens at 3:24.
- Practiced a few songs on the ol' guitar.
- My mother gave me a little piano lesson. I'm learning 9 Crimes by Damien Rice. Such beautiful music.
- Talked to Laurel, finally! I haven't seen her in over a week and I miss her so much!
- Ate some yogurt, string cheese, an apple and a banana for dinner.
- Couldn't get to the door fast enough when the doorbell ran. A big hug from my best friend awaited me. She brought me back a beautiful blanket and bracelet from Arizona. Oh how I never want to leave her.
- Made some tea and waited for Casey, Noah and Kevin to pick us up.
- Upon arriving at Casey's house Jared joined and we decided that the roof would be a good place to hang out so up we went. A billion blankets and pillows later we were all nestled together with our faces turned towards the stars.
- Many many laughs and stories took place. I've really enjoyed spending so much time with these boys this last week. They are all amazing men of God and they've taught me a lot about life in general.
- Casey made wonderful juice again and we had the pleasure of watching 2 cups role off the roof. The second one shattering to pieces and producing rolls of laughter!
- After we all cuddled for a couple hours, Casey took Laurel and I back to my house. A quick hug took place and then she was off in the camero.
- Today was such a lovely day. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Friday, April 2, 2010
wind, god, and bingo!
A visit to the Ramer's was first on the agenda for today. They are family friends who have two adorable daughters. Piper just turned 2 years old and is by far the most adorable little girl I've ever seen in my life. She has a little baby mullet which is flat out precious. She makes me excited to have little children of my own! My mom and I visited for a while and then drove through the rain back to our casa. Tae Bo? Bring it on. I punched and kicked it up in the living room. It was too cold to do it in the garage. Pretty soon I was a sweaty mess and could feel the soreness taking over my whole body already. If anyone is looking for a nice workout, try this!
After making Casey and Noah wait outside the house for me to get ready we hit up Starbucks and made our way to the library park. Quiet time with God in the wind... Forgetting my bible (since I was in a hurry to get out the door) I just sat and talked with God. I've been feeling really convicted lately of being lazy in my ministry and sharing the word. I know I've come along way with my shyness but it's no secret that I still am. I'm in no way afraid to be who I am, I just get quiet sometimes... Too quiet. There are so many people in my life who don't know Jesus and I know that I have the knowledge and ability to share with them even the simple facts that Jesus wants to have a relationship with them more than anything. I've been in situations where I've blown my chance and I hate sitting here thinking about them. My favorite verse says, However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. Acts 20:24. I feel that a huge part of my role here on earth is to share what I believe in and I need to start fulfilling my role more than what I've been doing. My prayer is that I can continue to break out from my little shy shell and be bold in who I am and what I stand for. I know that God is using me to witness to people and I need to not let Him down.
Casey, Noah and I met back up and discovered that Casey's keys were locked inside the car.. so, we walked to Noah's house, piled in the swift and watched Casey fall through a window in his house. He grabbed some other car keys hoping one would work. The result ending up in calling a lock smith. After sitting in the car for a little while listening to music and chatting, my mom came to pick me up for dinner. Mac and cheese awaited my belly.
Then came a night full of bingo! It felt good to whip out my ID and say that I'm 18, haha. A majority of the group planning to play were turned away because they didn't meet that requirement. None of us won any money but we all walked away with some great memories and a happy heart for trying something new! $7.00 well spent!
Thinking it was only 10:30 I walked into my room finding the clock to read 12:00. Holy smokes, time for bed!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
a day at the park
April first... April fools day. I only got fooled once today and that was by Briana Martens convincing me she got a tramp stamp tattoo. Haha, leave it up to her to be the jokester. My day was pretty much spent completely at the park. I met Gregg for a guitar lesson this morning. It was lovely. The weather was cooperating and we even felt a little toasty with the sun beating down. I'm definitely not complaining though! I've waited months for that feeling. Then he so kindly asked me to lunch and even paid for my panda bowl. What a gentlemen he is. I've really enjoyed getting to know him a little bit. It's awesome to have friends who are interested in the same things you are. He departed for work and I came home and sat around lazily waiting for Noah, Kev and Casey to meet up at the park. I traveled down to the exact place I was earlier this morning. Put on the blades and traveled a good 50 feet before we stopped and talked, listened to Kevin play some pretty melodies and watched Casey jump around on the long board. Moving to the grass Casey climbed a tree (with my camera, eek) and snapped a few shots. Soon, the wind was blowing and we were all pretty darn cold so we ventured back to the coches, admired my pretty purple beast and decided on dinner at Noahs. While sitting around the table we talked about who was good and who wasn't on American Idol and decided that Usher had a terrible performance. I was sad to see Didi leave. Apples to apples was the game of choice and Mr. Wallace took the cake on that one. A little Office and Ellen watching and guessing on the ages of the actors and then it was time to go let Mr. Kipper out for a potty break. Sherie's at the wee hours of the morning was next on the agenda... A little birthday party for Alyssa Hubbard. My tummy is growling but eating at at this time of day equals gaining weight and pain in the stomach in the morning so I shall not eat. Tomorrow holds waking up early to visit family friends! Goodie, what a joy :) Goodnight my friends.
It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad. C.S. Lewis
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