Sunday, August 8, 2010

Off to our destination... Lake Tahoe!

I didn't get the best night's sleep but hey, that happens once in a while. Before we could make it to Tahoe we had to drive another 6 hours. I slept most of the way. It made up for the lack of sleep last night. Breakfast consisted of a McDonald's breakfast burrito and a smoothie. More driving. Carson City was a good stop for lunch. We hit up subway this time. Another half hour and we made it to our beautiful vacation spot, Lake Tahoe. We walked down to the beach, stuck our feet in the water and felt the hot sand between our toes. It's amazing the places that God has created of us to enjoy here on earth. This is one amazing work of art. We walked back up to the house and it was perfect timing. My cousins, aunt, uncle and grandma just pulled up. It's always great to see them! My cousin's Alex, Kat and Sarah each brought a friend... Kali, Phil and Bonnie. They all seem like very sweet people. We played cards, I dominated by a great amount. I guess I've found my calling in life. I'll just be a Nerts champion. Oh, not to mention, we were hit by a huge rainstorm or should I say hail storm. The street was pretty much flooded and walking outside meant you were getting a shower. Us girls offered to make dinner. It consisted of Ravioli, salad, which I made, and ice water, haha. Cookies for dessert. We squeezed 13 people around the table and had a lovely family meal.

That white stuff on the ground is hail. Pretty crazy storm! That is the view from our back porch of the condo.

I'll be uploading pictures to my facebook soon.

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