Laurel sent me this photo today. I like nose rings. Therefore, I like this picture. He even has a beard.. that's a plus. The smoking is an ultimate no-no though.

Post Secret. This man named Frank Warren had an idea. He handed out thousands of post cards addressed to himself and asked people to anonymously contribute to a project by writing down their secrets. In the last five years he's gotten over half a million post cards. He's published five books and the last one made it to #1 on New York Times best seller. He was at Central tonight and I was about 5 rows away from him. He shared his stories about doing the project and how he's raised thousands of dollars with all proceeds going towards the suicidal hot line. At the last part of his presentation he allowed for people in the crowd to share their secrets. My favorite was a bubbly red headed girl who said that she worked at a smoothie place and that this one nasty, terrible lady would come in every day and she would secretly add weight gain to her drink! Be nice to those serving you!